Excellent deep dive into the Vision Pro’s travel capabilities by Azad Balabanian, who’s used Apple’s headset extensively on various flights:

The Vision Pro has quickly become an essential item that I take onto every flight.

It’s a fantastic device to travel with—Be it by train or by plane, it offers an unparalleled opportunity to selectively tune out your environment and sink into an engaging activity like watching a movie or just working on your laptop.

In this blog post, I’ll outline what I’ve learned about the Vision Pro while traveling, explain some of the functionality, shine light onto its drawbacks, as well as assess how it fares against solutions like a phone or a laptop.

I haven’t been on a plane since I got my Vision Pro earlier this year; however, the next time I’ll be on a transatlantic flight, I plan on bringing mine and seeing how self-conscious I feel about it. Azad’s blog post has some great practical tips regarding using the Vision Pro during a flight, such as my favorite bit:

The problem is that for meals that require eyesight to coordinate (aka using a fork to pick up food from a plate), as soon as you look down at your food, the tracking often gets lost. This causes the movie to stop playing and for you to have to look forward for the tracking to re-initialize.

Additionally, the Vision Pro’s field of view is more horizontal than vertical (unlike most other VR headsets) which can make eating challenging, requiring me to fully tilt my head down to look at my food.

If you plan on bringing the Vision Pro on a flight with you (personally, I recommend checking out Waterfield’s compact carrying case), don’t miss Azad’s experience and advice.

→ Source: azadux.blog


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